Christian Rosenkreutz
Christ Bearer of the New Age
Christ I am of the Rose Cross
Christian Rosenkreutz better known as Saint Germain and the Wonder Man of
Europe, absented himself from the world stage for 85 years, from the year 1790
till 1875. Thereafter he came forward again and has continuously been working
for humanity since. Rudolf Steiner referred to him not only as one of the greatest
individuals of our time but also as the leading individuality of the new era. After
his mission in Europe he come forward again with new dispensations from the
planetary karmic board and founded the Theosophical society in 1875, through
his Bodhisattva Madame Blavatsky. He has been working ever since through
several such Bodhisattvas all serving him in embodiment. Rudolf Steiner, one
such Bodhisattva, served him as Christian Rosenkreutz. Rudolf Steiner in his
Neo-Theosophic movement known as Anthroposophy, revealed the unique
connections of the Christ impulse which he understood not as being specifically
a Christian religious experience but a ‘Universal fact’ connected to the Higher
Self, and the ‘I Am that I Am’ of all humanity. In this sense, the second Christ
advent is a Universal occurrence that goes beyond the domain of world religions
and belongs to all religions.
A Bodhisattva is one who, due to past initiations and high attainment in
many embodiment's is prepared to receive a higher hierarchical being within his
consciousness as a full or partial incorporation that would pour wisdom and light
through the ‘I Am Christ Self’ of the Bodhisattva. The wisdom and light of the
hierarchical being so incorporated, teaches and serves humanity through his
Bodhisattva student in embodiment, without having to incarnate. Rudolf Steiner
was one such individuality and brought the Master of Wisdom known as
Christian Rosenkreutz into expression through his embodiment. The Christian
Rosenkreutz mantel of consciousness was thus poured through the Bodhisattva
and in this sense, became the incorporation of the Master through his disciple.
Rudolf Steiner was thus in this sense, the incarnation of Christian Rosenkreutz
Rudolf Steiner predicted a new awakening of the Christ Self in the 20 th century,
he said a number of individuals would appear that would have a direct
experience of the birth of his own ‘I Am that I Am’ through the Christ Self within
his or her consciousness. This experience would herald the path of the
Bodhisattva as an 'initiatic event'.
Christian Rosenkreutz is the leading hierarch of our age. The advanced stage of
his development is such that he is not only the Lord of the Seventh Ray of
emanation from the Logos and the Seventh Angel that reaps the fruit of the
human harvest but also occupies leadership of the new age as the Christ bearer
for the Aquarian age. This effectively means that, as he no longer incarnates in
the normal sense of the word, he, through his higher etheric body, radiates the
Christ in a most powerful manner into the present time. The Christ flowed
through Jesus during the incorporation of Christ in the three years of Christ
Jesus’ ministry and still continues to radiate from the Jesus individuality in the
higher etheric octaves. In like manner, the dispensation of Christ outpouring will
flow from Christian Rosenkreutz for the next two thousand year cycle. Just as
Christ radiated and streamed from Jesus for the past two thousand year
Piscean cycle of time, so Christian Rosenkreutz has become the manifestation
of the second coming of the Christ in the etheric for the Aquarian age. As
Rudolf Steiner proclaimed, now is the time of the second outpouring and also a
time when the Christ event will manifest beyond an orthodox religious context
and will unify all religions into one ‘universal humanity’ within the ‘I Am’
revelation and birth of one's own Higher Self.
We have entered the era in which Christian Rosenkreutz as the seventh
Hierarch will begin the reaping of mankind’s fruits. This revelation will lead to
more and more individuals approaching the Bodhisattva mystery manifesting the
release from reincarnation as its ultimate goal. The ascension into higher
consciousness is now in reach of many human beings who are called by
Christian Rosenkreutz to serve within the ascension process, not only of
mankind, but the ascension process of the earth and all its kingdoms. This is not
mankind’s permanent abode; the human soul has been called to raise up onto
greater dimensions of existence. This is Christian Rosenkreutz’s mission. He
heralds the new era which Rudolf Steiner called the ‘Age of Light’ that will bring
back the golden age of eras long gone.
Do not be deceived by the massive turmoil in the world. The fallen ones are
desperately holding on to the earth but the light of God never fails and Christian
Rosenkreutz is determined to claim back what legitimately belongs to God.
Christian Rosenkreutz as Christ bearer of the new Christ age has inaugurated
his ’New Church’ in a new manner of service to the Christ. This newly
inaugurated ‘Christ Centre of Christian Rosenkreutz’ has appeared in various
formats during 20 th century and continues into the 21 st century.
Christian Rosenkreutz has instated the powerful use of mantra to bring about
vast increments of Christ light to those who participate in mantric sharing of the
word. Rudolf Steiner understood the power of mantra. He worked with the
situation in Europe and endeavoured to bring wisdom into the European arena
where Saint Germain had previously worked. Before Christian Rosenkreutz
could reveal his new dispensation through Rudolf Steiner, his life was cut short.
Rudolf Steiner will work in the future within the larger plan that Christian
Rosenkreutz has for the planet earth. Anthroposophy fits into that scheme of
events which fits into the divine plan that Christian Rosenkreutz and the Great
White Brotherhood has installed, in which he will elaborate the new Christ
advent for all.
The use of mantra was well understood by Rudolf Steiner and those who truly
understand his work will find no difficulty in understanding that the future
development of his Anthroposophy will depend on the conscious application of
the Mantra dispensation which Christian Rosenkreutz has secured from the
Karmic board.
Anthroposophy must move in this direction so that future outpourings of the
Christ through him may allow new dispensations of light for further development
within Anthroposophy. Anthroposophy belongs to Christian Rosenkreutz and the
increment of light needed will come from him again for those Anthroposophists
who align themselves with Christian Rosenkreutz on every next step of the way.
Rudolf Steiner made it clear that any form of religious renewal did not in his day
and will not in the future, form part of the Anthroposophical dispensation, that
Anthroposophy must drive a new era of devotional work which is not in any way
a renewal of any form of religious dispensations from the past.
Christian Rosenkreutz has given the new dispensation and the vessels of
sacred fire from the inner divine powers, can now directly be dispensed to
mankind. By simply sharing together in the practice of speaking the word, a
person receives the Word of Christ as an immediate response and involvement
of Christ light. The grail cup is thus formed by the sounding of the word in
mantric unison together, which forms a new vessel for spirit anointment. The
‘Christ Centre of Christian Rosenkreutz’ is of paramount importance
Anthroposophical work in the future.
Osiris Rising - 1 st September 2010
The ‘Christ/Buddha Centre of Christian Rosenkreutz’ welcomes all would-be
aspirants to join in the sharing of the Word through prayer and mantra. Contact
Christ I AM of the Rose Cross
Buddha I AM of Christian Rosenkreutz
Christ/Buddha I AM of Saint Germain
The Violet light of I AM transformations in Christian Rosenkreutz.