Archangel MichaEl
The age of the ruling Archangel MichaEl began in 1879, according to Rudolf Steiner and will end approximately in the year 2233

Archangel MichaEl comes from the realm of the Sun and is the August leader of the
seven Archangels that serve before the throne of the Godhead. He works utterly from
within the realm of cosmic will and respects freewill. His unyielding gaze summons
humanity to awaken to a new consciousness, to a new era of transformation. He calls
the human soul and spirit to make a new effort to remember their lineage and heritage
from God. He comes to help them find their way back to the realms from which
humanity came. Humanity's sojourn in the flesh, bound to the sense world is coming to
an end. Archangel MichaEl comes to cut humanity free from the emotional snares of the
fallen ones, who have found deep entrance into humanity’s emotional life, ever since
the laggard beings gained entry into this system of worlds to which humanity belongs.
These beings were the cause for humanitys fall. Over the centuries, embodiment after
embodiment, humanity gradually experimented more and more with what laggard spirit
beings have brought into the life of feeling. This has affected the thinking life and over
this lengthy period of time has culminated in the present era of extreme materialism.
Archangel MichaEl is calling humanity back, to return to conscious participation with the
spiritual world. Humanity has not yet come into step with His rationale and withstands
His new impulse. He does not turn away from humanity even when they waver,
embodiment after embodiment, getting further intertwined with human misery, even
though some insist on experimenting and collaborating with the fallen ones. Humanitys
entanglement with laggard inclinations has reached a crucial point of estrangement from
the spiritual worlds. The true source of the human being has called him home.
Insight into Archangel MichaEls mission is crucial. When gained, the need to apply this
knowledge to life in an attempt to freely align oneself in service to Him is the next step.
Archangel MichaEl awaits awakened humanitys call so that He can help participate in
their mission on earth. When we call out of freedom to Him, there is an immediate and
most willing and loving response, He never fails to answer. His participation in human
affairs is in accord with His pledge to the Godhead of this system of worlds. It is part of
His mission realised. He has committed Himself to cut humanity free and to facilitate its
ascension back into the spiritual worlds. Independent thinking is a prerequisite, not only
to enter the school of Archangel MichaEl, but also to be aligned with his mission. Such
clarity of thought cannot be achieved when the feeling life is rooted in darkened
emotionally-driven by the fallen ones. This is the challenge of our time and it lies within
the scope of every man’s or woman’s freewill to achieve. Archangel MichaEl as a
Cosmic Being of Will from the spiritual realm of the Sun in service to humanity. This
Being is the protector and custodian of Cosmic Wisdom of the Elohim and Form
Builders who serve the Godhead. Archangel MichaEl is well known as the Defender of
faith, and the Champion of the Woman clothed with the Sun and her Man-child, the
beloved I AM of God. He is less well known as the Guardian of the Cosmic Intelligence
and the blessed emissary of the Etheric Christ. He is the ultimate expression of God's
Will. His will is the thrust of Cosmic Will into this very human world of ours and functions
within the framework of free will. His Cosmic Will can only operate within the human
realm, when it is approached out of absolute freedom. We thus need to call on him and
embark on a training of the will and the feeling life out of total freedom, with the express
intention of gaining His aid and becoming an emissary of freedom and a warrior of light
in Archangel MichaEls name.
The cosmic Intelligence has been lowered into the human realm. Humanity has a
specific mission to receive it and through it ascend to the spiritual worlds handing it back
to the Godhead from whence it comes.
The Satanic intention is not only to ensnare the human soul, but also to freeze this intelligence in his
own realm. To become a servant of Archangel MichaEl requires the human soul to take
a stand and from within the realm of feelings to expel the darkened emotions which
cloud clarity of thought. This clouding allows the Ahrimanic beings to ensnare humanity
and the Cosmic Intelligence. This Cosmic intelligence has been and still is under
Archangel MichaEls guidance and protection as it finds manifestation through the
Platonic and Aristotelian streams of philosophy on earth. This Wisdom has been
lowered into the realm of humanity through the great Love that the mighty Cosmic Spirit
Beings have for us, so that we can become custodians of this grand Wisdom of Love,
the Philo - love Sophia - wisdom, The Wisdom of Love. See Modern Anthroposophy.
Beloved Heavenly Father and Thy Divine Messenger, Lord Michael!
We bless Thee for Thy Presence in this universe! We invoke the Presence of Lord
Michael and His Legions of Light into the atmosphere of Earth to cut free every soul
belonging to this evolution from all substance, energy, habits, qualities, tendencies and
desires which are not of God!
We invoke Thy Intercession on behalf of our loved ones who live beyond the veil of
death. Go to them and cut them free from all earthly bonds of greed, hate, avarice and
distress. Take them to Thy Temple of Faith and teach them true faith in God and
inculcate in their hearts a desire to obey God's Holy Will.
We invoke Thy Presence into every institution of incarceration of every kind upon the
planet Earth and into every home and place of worship. Dissolve the cause and core of
all distress - individual, national and planetary. Help us, we beseech Thee, to learn to
serve with Thee in removing the psychic and astral realm that lies like a "smog" upon
and around the earth. Take all disembodied spirits and elementals who have not yet
learned to do God's Will, from the atmosphere of earth.
We ask Thee, Lord Michael, to meet our loved ones as they pass through the veil called
death, and in Thy Own Loving Arms, carry them to the Throne of God, Himself.
Beloved Lord Michael, help us to want to do God's Will here on Earth and hereafter.
Remove the curse of ‘rebellion and disobedience’ from all evolutions in the Earth, upon
its surface, and in its atmosphere. Thank you, blessed Prince of the Heavenly Host! We
accept Your Intercession upon our behalf and that of all life, and we accept Your
Friendship in our own worlds today and forever. Amen! - Ascended Master Teaching
The call to serve Archangel MichaEl
It is better to reject something outright and have clear ideas of why you do so, than to
say I don't know and have nebulous ideas about not knowing. Then at least in time you
could change your mind as better judgment dawns when you keep approaching your
thoughts for clarity, with clear and healthy feelings. Nebulous ideas are an extreme
waste of time. Have clear ideas about the challenge and call here presented. Be not
mediocre in your stand point, for this humanity needs courage. How does humanity
have courage without faith? Faith dawns in the soul when the emotions are disciplined.
Faith is the foundation upon which courage steps out into the world;
‘Hence, the impulse to reject compromises - to make no compromises, above all in
one’s soul life - belongs among the impulses that are especially essential to humanity. It
is extraordinarily important that we consider this as a demand of our age. For precisely
this rejection of compromise is one of the most significant of the impulses of MichaEl,
the spirit of the age - namely , to pour clarity, absolute clarity, into human souls. If we
wish to follow the Archangel MichaEl, then we must infuse human souls with clarity and
overcome sleepiness. Such sleepiness, of course, arises in other spheres too, but
above all it is absolutely necessary today to overcome sleepiness if we are to gain
insight into the consequences of things.’ - Rudolf Steiner Munich 17 February 1918.
‘The call to serve Archangel MichaEl’ goes out to every student of Dr Rudolf Steiners
to investigate the Modern Anthroposophical Spiritual Scientific claims that Violet
Anthroposophy and Violet Theosophy also is the way forward. ‘The Science of the
Spoken Word’ is a legitimate approach to align oneself with the mission of Arch Angel
MichaEl on the one hand and on the other for the furthering of RSs Aristotelian spiritual
science in alignment with the Platonic school. This ‘Call’ goes out to meet a dire need,
to meet the requirement from the spiritual world for further development of
Anthroposophy and Theosophy and spiritual science in General, for the furtherance of
humanity. This requirement involves the clearing of the human feeling realm from all
fallen emotional reactions. The above can be achieved by means of a new dispensation
from the spiritual words, to invocate and generate light by means of the ‘The Science
of the Spoken Word’ . By means of this invocation Cosmic Beings come into the realm
of humanity, so that it can receive the benefit of the Sacred Violet Fire, to purge the
extreme emotion that manifests itself in the ‘taking things personally’ emotional set of
reactions that are so deeply entrenched and holding humanity back in the grip of the
fallen Ahrimanic beings. Through the invocation of the sacred Violet Fire humanity can
be cut free from the influence of these emotions and find the foundations of faith and
courage to overcome conflict and fear, and partake in the light of the Ascended hosts.
They respect our freedom and thus need us to invocate so that they are able to assist
us, within the karmic bounds of our freewill, to lift us up into the light.
It is our feelings that hold us back and lock us into mediocrity, binding us to a
standpoint of compromise. If our emotions gain the upper hand on our thoughts and
actions, our potential is limited, our awakening is high-jacked and our own development
stunted. We need to cast off these limiting emotions as old garments, cast them into the
Sacred Violet Flame for transmutation and then proceed to weave a new garment out of
the light of Christ through Archangel MichaEls help. This is the New Foundation Stone
of life upon which humanity and organisations can become the vehicle for Archangel
MichaEl. It takes faith and courage to meet lifes circumstances, the heart must be
cleared of emotional eclipsing, to allow the light of Christ in and to remain anchored in
our heart. This is the basis for our ‘I AM’ awakening. Lethargy is an emotion spun out of
fallen psychism and under its influence we tend not to take ownership of the issues at
hand. We blame others and the circumstances rather than meet the challenge of our
karma and our higher calling which comes to meet each life-stream continuously from
the higher self, the ‘I AM’, the true foundation stone of life. Sons and daughters of God
are not victims. The feelings, the emotions that we have for our own finite self, hold us
to ransom preventing us from accepting the great Master God-Plan of our higher calling.
The Masters of Wisdom have given us the opportunity; all we need is to take up the
challenge and hold fast to the light, have courage and faith in our heart. Every difficulty
in life, in whatever form, is but a challenge to our faith and courage to overcome
emotional apathy. Our karmic trials appear insurmountable because we do not have
faith and courage in the midst of the events. Instead we are seized by fear, anger,
intolerance and blame in the midst of the challenges placed before us daily. Working
with the Sacred Violet Fire and Archangel MichaEl is the way forward, it is the New
Foundation Stone upon which Archangel MichaEl stands, mapped out for us by
Archangel MichaEl and the Masters of Wisdom, so be it.
Let us hear from the Ascended Master Teachings, in Archangel MichaEl own words;
"Yet deep in the recesses of human consciousness in that Divine Memory of humanity
from past embodiments, from the life-spans of Atlantis and Lemuria, humanity is able to
have a dim memory of the day when We of the Angelic Host manifested in their midst
and brought Our Beauty and Our Protection to humanity in a tangible manner.
"Blessed and beloved ones, once again that day shall dawn as the Golden Age of
Cosmic Christ Enlightenment comes into full manifestation and humanity is able to
shake off lethargy and the feelings they have of concern for their own finite self and are
able to accept the great Master God-Plan for each life-stream upon this planet, brought
forth from the Heart of God as a created Ray and intended to be a manifestation of all
God-Perfection and all God-Light and all God-Victory.
"Blessed and beloved ones, the unfailing Light of God is everywhere. It goes
unrecognised as it sheds forth Its Beams of Light! It goes unrecognised by humanity as
It sustains their life and beats their heart. But It does not go unrecognised by the
Cosmic Beings or by the Archangels or by the Angelic Host, for We bow in grateful
adoration every moment for the great privilege of being a conscious part of the universal
Power of God in full manifestation – the Mighty I AM Presence of the Universe, the
Power of the Sacred Fire, and the Grace of Almighty God made manifest in you.
"Blessed and beloved ones, there is no night through which the Light of God cannot
penetrate. There is no condition in your physical bodies through which the Light of God
cannot penetrate. There is no particular illness or densification of gross substance
through which the Light of God cannot strike Its Power and immediately, on the instant,
set it free from all discordant manifestations and flood absolute Christ-Perfection into full
manifestation, on the instant!
"Beloved ones, when the woman touched the hem of Jesus' garment, the Glory of God
flowed forth immediately and she was healed, although she had long sought for healing
in other ways. 5 The Power of God has also the Power of Victory to bring into full
manifestation a sane mind which formerly dwelled in a muddled, confused state of
All of this can be achieved by the Power of the Light. . . .
Beloved Archangel Michael
Through the Messenger, Mark Prophet, April 22, 1961 Boston, Massachusetts U.S.A.
And further, again from the Ascended Master Teachings, in Arch Angel MichaEls own
I remember well when the priests in the Temples were notified that the laggards of the
other System were to be given habitation on the Earth and were told to make the
application required to protect the evolution that had been living in the innocence of the
Garden of Eden from the effluvia and contagion of the thoughts and feeling of those
who, on their own Planet, either did not or could not control the energies enough to
proceed with their Planet into greater Light.
I remember well My Own contemplation, pondering on how I might best serve in the
ages that were to come. It was then I fashioned out of thought the Sword of Flame
which has been with Me all through the aeons since and which has been constantly
used to cut the souls of men free from the shackles of their own creation and to release
imprisoned life caught in the thought forms of humanly created entities that make up the
astral and psychic realms, which is My self-chosen home and habitation for twenty
hours out of every twenty-four.
Beloved Archangel Michael
Through the Messenger, Geraldine Innocente, December 1953, U.S.A.
The Dragon
The fallen impulses in the world emanate from the laggard beings, who have penetrated
into the human soul through many embodiments of collaboration and experimentation
by humanity. These fallen impulses act from within the human soul where they are
manifested as the dweller on the threshold. The Dragon in the world thus has voice
within every personality; this is the voice of our pseudo self or double as it is known.
The time for mankind to know this adversary has come, so that the Dragon within can
be vanquished through the help of Arch Angel MichaEl. As Arch Angel MichaEl
vanquished his adversary in heaven so mankind must with Arch Angel MichaEl defeat
the dragon nature within his or her own soul.
The Dweller on the Threshold
The Guardian of the Threshold
The Human Double
“A kind of struggle will ensue, the ‘Double’ striving continually to gain the upper hand. If
the pupil can succeed in establishing a right relation to the Double, not allowing him to
do anything that is not inspired by the new-born I, he will find that his true human
powers gain in strength and in stability”. - An Outline of Spiritual Science part 9 - Rudolf
“It is the tormented spirit of man that always strives to bend the universe to his desires;
hence most souls do not fit. They are at everlasting war with fate. They do not
understand how to be happy with what is because they are always straining for what is
not.” - Anonymous
“A collective consciousness of all our misdeeds - of this life and many lifetimes -
emerges as a pseudo identity and causes us to do those things we so often regret”. -
Elizabeth Claire Prophet
The question of the threshold is singly the most mysteriously understated question of
the human soul, yet it is the most important. In it lies the key to self-destruction or Self-
The Dweller on the Threshold
The Dweller on the Threshold so named for the reason as the name precisely states
that it dwells there, on the threshold of the human beings self-awareness, just below the
entrance point of consciousness, on the boundary of the sub-conscious and the ego-
conscious experience of feeling and thought. From there it has easy access to exert a
constant influence on the feelings, thoughts and actions of humanity as a whole. The
commonalty of the mass mind is master-minded by the collective dweller on the
threshold of all humanity and exerts a mass mind-set of emotional reactions.
Nonetheless an individual can by means of a conscious act of will exerted at the
moment of its ingress, deny it access. Freedom of choice is the God-given right of
humanity, self-discipline is an act of consciously applied will. However the entrance
passage to the dweller has not been barred by humanity since the fall. Due to the
insatiable desire that mankind displays for experimentation and self-indulgence the
dweller is firmly entrenched in the human soul. The Dweller on the Threshold is also
known as the ‘Double’.
The ‘Double’?
The word ‘Double’ comes from the German ‘Doppelganger’ translatable as ‘double
goer’. It establishes itself in the persona as a ‘double going ego’ or as a ‘counterfeit’ ego
that journeys alongside the Self or I AM of an individual through many lives. The double
acts as a negative mirror image of I AM and becomes the I AM shadow nature. It
constantly attempts to take over as the sovereign ego by acting independently and in
opposition to the real Self. In humanity’s soul life this being obstructs the entrance not
only to the higher worlds but to the ‘Christ Self’ or ‘Higher Self’ as well, and for this
reason, it is also known as the ‘Guardian of the Threshold’. In Romans 13:1 it is written
that ‘The Soul is subject to the Powers’. It is the duty of these Elohim Powers as service
to God to protect the higher worlds from being infiltrated by the fallen machinations of
the mass mind. They protect our God-Self and Christ Self from the human ego
entrenched in the soul and act as ministers of God who reattribute the fallen aspects of
mankind back to its source in the world. At death, after the separation of the double
from the spiritual nature of the human being, these Powers guide our transition into
Higher worlds.
Accordingly the true ‘Guardian Being’ cannot be seen until the imperfections in the soul
have been transformed, until then these imperfections are cast back onto the
personality by the Guardian of the Threshold where it accumulates and coalesces into a
grotesque being of mankind’s own making and hence stands there misshapen before
the lesser Guardian of the Threshold blocking the entrance into the inner subconscious
nature of the human being. As the person wakes up in the morning the dweller deflects
the consciousness into the realm of the senses opening to the outer world and keeps
there throughout the person’s waking hours. This being however is not visible as it is
merged as it were, with the human ego from whence it deflects the consciousness into
the outer world, but if it were to be seen through the eyes of the spirit, its appearance
before the lesser Guardian of the Threshold would be such that it takes on a
conglomerate misshape of satanic proportions made up of all the persons short
comings. These imperfections through this being become part of the ‘soul ego’
configuration so created by individual concerned through collaboration with fallen beings
and thus needs to be, and can only be transformed by the same individual, so that in Its
return to perfection the individual grows and reaps the fruit of the experience in the
matter plane of existence. The opportunity for such redemption can only be found in
embodiment. Thus it is because of this imperfect being that mankind is led back to re-
embodiment again and again.
The greater Guardian of the Threshold likewise blocks the conscious entrance across
the threshold into the higher cosmic worlds. At the moment of falling asleep and during
the sleep time of a person’s consciousness a deflection into oblivion occurs. Only when
sufficient transformation of the Luciferic proportion of the person’s imperfections has
strengthened the I AM within the soul life sufficiently, only then when the person has
been prepared to enter consciously into the cosmic higher worlds, will the
consciousness not be deflected into oblivion by the guardian. Only then can a conscious
encounter take place during the sleep time with the higher Self or Christ Self. The
Guardian then appears as an immense Hierarchical being of sublime stature who
commands the nature of the physical form world and the forces of formation and
rejuvenation of the physical human body. This mighty being acts as an administrator to
the divine order and attributes and re-attributes all perfections and imperfections in the
Cosmic World Order as it relates to physical form. At death this mighty being guides and
governs as mighty overseer our transition into the Cosmic World Order allowing
perfection and all that is of the nature of God to be assimilated by the God-Self and
allocating imperfection to its lawful place. Also in like manner this mighty being oversees
the preparation for the next embodiment so that, within the framework of the individual’s
karma, the next body can be formed as perfect as possible, according to the karmic
decree as pronounced by the Lords of Karma, giving the I AM God-Self the possibility of
a new embodiment and a renewed opportunity in which to transform this self-generated
imperfect ego being. Sadly mankind forgets and gets caught up again with the desire
nature of this imperfect being within.
Thus this self-generated imperfect ego being can and has been described in the
following way; the other ego, the counter ego, the alter ego, the lower ego, or the
pseudo self or synthetic self. Also it is has been referred to as the lower double or
Ahrimanic double. Carl Jung refers to the presence of this being as the ‘shadow self’.
The shadow cast by the Self which functions invisibly within the personality as an
independent ego and is more often than not mistakenly confused for the source of the
human individual Self or I AM.
For convenience and consistency sake the Jungian term ‘shadow self’ will be used in
the further discourse herein; however all the terms mentioned above could equally be
used to designate this self-generated ‘imperfect ego being’.
A Real Distinction
Awaking to the human potential for transformation requires a clear distinction be made
between this ‘shadow self’ or double ego and the I AM. The I AM is from beginning to
end the God Self and true regent of the personality but at the present evolutionary stage
is not incarnated at the centre of the ego consciousness of the persona. The shadow
self has usurped its rightful place. The I AM nevertheless reverberates it presence into
the persona through the conscience. In contrast to the shadow self the I M is part of a
grand scheme of Cosmic Evolution and has tremendous potential far beyond the narrow
confines of the shadow self which is only bound to sense experience. Each individual I
AM is that spark or flame that emanated from the Great Godhead of this system of
worlds. In the beginning the Great Creator Godhead had ignited and breathed out, as a
creative act from within the Spirit Fire Heart of their mighty being a great stream of
created I AM’s. Thus the Godhead also created the I AM of humanity as unique
individualities out of the White Fire Core of their creative spirit essence, for the purpose
of offering new opportunity to a new stream of I AM existence within Cosmic Evolution.
Thus continues the ever progressive opportunity to develop further additional and new
gifts, virtues and graces within the grand. majestic scheme of world evolution within
worlds. To this end the individual I AM of every human being took the opportunity out of
freedom to incarnate into the physical matter plane of our earth. These incarnations
would accomplish additional power for the I AM which can only be gained by incarnating
into physical matter. This is so because the physical body offers the I AM the
opportunity to exert and become skilled at externalising a greater will to move and
control dense physical substance and energy that subsists at a much slower vibratory
rate. This will result in enhanced dexterity, creativity and further attainment and
conscious command of the individual I AM Mastery through thought and feeling in the
physical realm. So doing the I AM develops further attributes that express a unique
Identity, and release a greater potential to use Cosmic Light within Cosmic Law.
Attainment is thus gained that an I AM without embodiment cannot possess. Under
these circumstances each human being decrees his own destiny and also his own fate
during his sojourn in the world of physical substance. In this sense the I AM in time will
incarnate into the centre of the ego consciousness when stage for stage the imperfect
ego is transformed and mankind advances toward the ascension.
The human being as part of the Creator God individualised becomes the sole authority
within his or her own being that must fulfill their own plan to expand their attainment
within the framework of cause and effect active within the Laws of Karma functioning
within the great Cosmic Law. In this manner the Godhead expands the evolutionary
attainment of Cosmic Evolution through the development of mankind.
The nature of the shadow self on the other hand, is connected to beings that have fallen
out of the grand scheme of progressive evolution and have become laggard in their
essential nature and so have produced feelings and thoughts that are renegade,
rebellious and imperfect, not part of the progressive stream of Cosmic Evolution and
thus stand outside Cosmic Law. These vagrant thoughts and feelings are independent
and not part of the Cosmic Intelligence. They form self-determining thought forms which
are energised and maintained by mankind’s habitual participation in them. The
accumulations of thought forms become visible to the eyes of the spirit as a dark
blanket hanging over the cities of the world. They act compulsively and bind mankind’s
thoughts and feelings to the mass mind of cyclic repetition of reactions, behaviour and
thought patterns that effectively exclude directly inspired thoughts and feelings that
emanate from the Cosmic Christ through the Cosmic Intelligence.
The compulsive power that the shadow self has gained needs an exertion of
independent will sourced from the I AM to break the stranglehold of ingrained habit
patterns which humanity has come to consider as part of everyday consciousness and
thus do not challenge their existence. These thoughts and feelings have become so
entrenched within the persona that they threaten to cut the personality off from his or
her Christ Self and I AM God presence.
The influence of the shadow self that dwells on the threshold can quite clearly be
recognised within the personality. Its presence will be detected once you apply your
mind sufficiently to some self-scrutiny in which you consciously distinguish between its
activities and those of the I AM. The shadow self flauntingly operates as one of the two
‘selves’ residing within a person’s consciousness. Unfortunately most persons at this
time put their faith in the wrong ego. The net result is that the human soul is exposed to
a retrogressive evolutionary trend. The shadow self or dweller tempts the person by
projecting selfish desires into the consciousness so that the person entertains them in
experimentation and thereby invests time and energy in the self-engrossed egotism of
this pseudo-self, instead of investing in the evolution of the awakening I AM whose
voice is so often ignored when it speaks in the consciousness as conscience.
Any light of God that is thus misqualified incurs Karma. The karmic laws uphold Cosmic
Law functioning within the cosmic scheme of evolution and promote evolutionary
accomplishments on the one hand and bind retrogressive impulses back to its
progenitor for re-qualification on the other. Thus it is Karma that allows the different
human life streams the fullest opportunity to enrich the universe with their creativity but
also cast back upon the life-stream all the impurity they have energised within their
feelings, which is of no use to the further enhancement of the cosmos. These karmic
records bind the soul embodiment after embodiment. The Cosmic Law is driven by love.
Such misqualification of God’s light is the basis for all hatred and all the negative
emotions which plague and torment humanity’s consciousness today. The cohesion of
all Cosmic Law is love. It has no use for distortions of light and simply returns it back to
its origin from whence it came. The pseudo nature of the shadow self functions through
the carnal mind and drives the consciousness of mankind, through the carnal desire
body, towards the outer manifested world where it holds on to every impression
permeated and energised through feeling of external desire and so attempts to gain the
upper hand over I AM. The thoughts, feelings and actions are drawn and bound further
and further into the outer world by the shadow-self and, unopposed, will rapidly lead
mankind to their final destruction.
An I AM draws the thoughts, feelings and actions of mankind up higher and higher into
the God nature of mankind, into a comprehension of the Cosmic Intelligence and the
vast majesty of the spiritual worlds.
There is a further aspect that underlies this matter, namely the feeling of intolerance.
Intolerance as a reaction of the carnal mind is very deeply-rooted in the fallen nature
that blankets the world at present; in its cyclic reactionary mode it breeds impatience,
frustration and condemnation. In fact it spawns all the negative emotions of the shadow
self which draws on fallen consciousness thousands upon thousands of years old. This
intolerance drives a wedge between human beings prompting habitual reactions in
which the ‘divide and rule’ strategy of the fallen ones are further entrenched into human
behaviour. The practice of tolerance on the other hand leads to a restoration of the
connection with the Christ Self and I AM.
Mankind has for a long time now been at a point where the I AM or the Christ Self of
their higher nature no longer displays control over their thoughts, feelings and actions.
Help is now needed to consciously regain control, which is why a conscious alliance
with Archangel MichaEl has become so necessary.
How did the shadow self come into existence?
When the laggard beings were allowed by Cosmic Decree an opportunity to bend the
knee before the Godhead, they entered the matter plane of our earth and they brought
with them their impure thoughts and feelings. They in turn created an environment in
which humanity could be influenced by them. A moment arose when mankind first
thought and felt that imperfect and impure thought which was energised by its
corresponding impure feeling. This was the first human cause which was sent out into
the earth environment for its first human effect. The Cosmic Law of cause and effect
returned the effect which came back to its source and, in the originating consciousness,
left a memory which now was incumbent on the person to transmute. Thus a blemish
was formed in the yet untainted innocent consciousness of the human being of that time
by experimenting with the fallen thoughts and feelings of egotistic desire inspired by the
fallen ones. This untransmuted memory record became the starting point and
foundation for the shadow self to emerge. The negatively energised thought and feeling
which returned to affect the record became a reference point for the personality, and
instead of redeeming it, used it as basis for more action of the same negatively
energised thoughts and feelings driven by egotistic desire, entrenching and
strengthening them deeper into its shadow nature.
A set of reactive records accumulated and gradually coalesced into the shadow self
which was set up between the I AM and Christ Self of the person and the human ego
consciousness. By repeatedly re-visiting this memory record the individual embeds the
shadow-self of own making into the etheric mantle like a parasite. This vagrant thought
memory now embedded in the etheric mantle has its feeling counterpart in the body of
consciousness (astral body) from whence the initial feelings approached the innocent’s
consciousness in the first place. Effectively a veil was formed in and between the
etheric mantle on the one side and in and between the consciousness of human beings
on the other. This veil started to obstruct not only the personal contact with the I AM and
Higher Self but also the objective stream of abundant creative thoughts and feelings
inspired by the Cosmic Intelligence through the Higher Self. Eventually the
conglomerate of shadow feelings and memories which collectively formed the pseudo
identity, took on an extremely egotistic and subjective nature which permeated and
coloured the newly founded soul life of humanity. The subjective nature of the shadow
self emerged completely outside the control of the real Self and started to act
independently of the I AM resulting in a tendency to take things very personally.
Anything the individual now experiences and registers in the mind is influenced and
energised by feelings and thoughts rendered by the shadow self to extreme subjectivity,
thus compelling deeply personal reactions. Most of the conditions humanity finds today
have their origin in the results of the shadow self which now after many thousands upon
thousands of embodiments have set up a reactionary mechanism in the mass mind of
human frailty leaving humanity in a weakened volatile reactionary ‘taking things too
personally’ state, incapable of thinking and feeling inspired thoughts from the Christ
When did the fallen ones responsible for the thoughts and feelings of the
shadow self infuse them into humanity?
It all goes far back in the history of the earth, to a time when the moon, once being part
of the earth, left the earth. The consequences of this event appeared in the later
ancient Lemurian epoch when physical conditions were brought about for the lowering
of the physical form of mankind into the physical matter plane. The will of man was then
still guided and obedient to the will of Gods. Initially the human physical form was
created by the Elohim, who gave the light from the Seraphim and Cherubim, which
streamed in from zodiacal realms of Cosmic Space. Stage by stage the human form
was moved through various influences by the mighty builders of form. These mighty
beings are not only the overseers of the formation of the physical body of mankind but
also the overseers of the development of the new ego nature which accompanies the
mental body which forms as consequence of entering into the physical body. Thus the
external nature of the planet was established by these mighty form builders, the animal
forms materialised before the human form entered the physical matrix. Male and female
as a physical sexual polarity arose at this time. Sexuality appeared first amongst these
animals. The four footed animals were materialised after the fall of mankind and they
appeared as a distortion of the divine plan which was executed by the fallen hierarchy.
Prior to the outer polarisation of human sexuality in the form world of matter, the male
female gender nature as counter parts of the I AM were polarised from within the ovoid
of I AM light by the creative principle of the Godhead, this is the origin of twin souls.
In time breathing air through physical lungs began. Death as an aspect of human
physical experience ensued and reincarnation in its outer aspect followed. The brain
developed out of the ‘light form’ that existed above mankind’s head at that time and
gradually became incorporated into the physical brain a step and stage at a time. The
28 nerve filaments formed into the spine from outside. From out of the nerves the
formation of muscles formed, the ligaments flow out from them, then the cartilaginous
formations all taking their start from out of the nerve formations. The skull formation also
began; the cartilaginous formations took on calcification, just as the limestone
formations in the earth had been formed. Mankind at this stage, shared in the light of his
I AM and Christ Self nature obedient to the Law of the Cosmos.
At this sensitive moment in the history of mankind’s descent into the matter planes,
certain laggard beings came into this system of worlds from other system of worlds
where they no longer could be housed. They were now offered opportunity to progress
within this system of worlds by Cosmic Decree. Needless to say they have not bent the
knee before almighty God. These beings, because of their fallen nature, were driven
down by Archangel MichaEl into the earth formation process where they influenced the
mineral formation process of mankind. They also influenced the feeling life of mankind
by projecting their fallen momentums of desire and subjective egotism into their feeling
life. The materialisation of mankind’s physical form was consequentially effected and
was lowered further into the physical matrix than was originally planned. Gravitational,
magnetic and electrical forces accompany this process. The magnetic poles and axis of
the earth were influenced and had to be stabilised by the Elohim to accommodate the
new laggard visitors and their effects. The electro-magnetic aura of the earth and
mankind’s physical constitution thus changed accordingly. The consequence of all these
events was that mankind was driven out of the paradise existence in which direct
participation and communion with their I AM and Christ Self was no longer permitted.
The essential nature of the fall of mankind comes down to the fact that they were driven
out of their inner paradisiacal union with the I AM and Christ Self and were led into an
association with the senses and the outer physical world external to their I AM.
The Luciferic beings contaminated the astral body of mankind on the one hand and the
Ahrimanic beings the etheric body on the other. These activities of the laggard beings
are at the foundation for the configuration of the human shadow self as it exists today
on the threshold of mankind’s consciousness. By approaching the feeling world they still
seduce mankind into collaboration and experimentation within their consciousness.
Mankind thus has effectively invited them in to be part of their soul life for far too long. It
is time for humanity to know the shadow-self as a pseudo identity within their etheric
and astral bodies. Mankind’s fall must now be reversed from within mankind with the
help of higher beings. The nature of these laggard spirit beings which co-occupy, as a
dual ego, the will of man must be opposed from within the will resourced from the I AM.
The I AM functions and awakens from within the will forces, gradually gaining mastery
over them, and reaches up into the feeling life of mankind. The shadow self exerts
coercive and compulsive influence on the feelings and thoughts and hi-jack the will
forces within the personality. The human will is activated by wishing; through the I AM
the divine ideal permeates our wishes. The shadow self is constantly trying to introduce
the personal egotistic element into the wishes that motivate our will. The person makes
the choice either to prevent the egotistic influence of this being or allows collaboration to
flow out in action or more accurately in reaction. Thus this being co-mingles with the
self-awareness of mankind and vies for egotistic supremacy which if unchecked, will in
time lead to the destruction of the personality. Archangel MichaEl is standing by to help
in the battle of the will. Make the choice and call on the magnanimous will of the prince
of Archangel MichaEl.
What is the shadow self’s connection with the animal world?
The human will or the Real Self is not directly connected with the animal world. The
animal world was separated out of mankind by the divine wisdom before mankind was
lowered into the physical octave, but it can be brought into contact with animal astrality
through the shadow self by exerting an astral influence on the feelings. The pseudo-
identity through the egotism of the shadow self drives human consciousness into
participation with the psychic nature of the animal desires. Self-absorption and self-
indulgence in the desire nature is this being’s open agenda. Such cooperation is the
direct cause of all the chaos within the emotional life and illness in the etheric life.
Psychism of any kind leads the person into an association with psychic substance in the
astral world and it contaminates and pollutes the sheaths.
How does the shadow self affect the chakras?
As the carnal mind is constantly bound up with pleasure-seeking and absorbing psychic
substance and animalistic astral forces through the feelings into the physical body,
damage is caused to the etheric flow of vitality and the inner light is swallowed up by the
shadow self as it participates in the astral gratification of the physical egotistic pleasure
experience. In so doing a direct cooperation with the death element is set up. The
depleted vitality and inner light not only causes ageing and disease but also causes the
chakra centres that exist in the etheric body to be raped of their light. Under this
constant onslaught the chakra petals eventually begin to revolve in an opposite direction
as the shadow self depletes the light.
Does the shadow self have a purpose?
These fallen beings participate in the ‘bewitching’ of spirit into matter. They absorb the
astral into the limestone structures. They are therefore directly responsible for the gross
mineralisation process. Through the association with matter and the sense bound
experience the formation of the independent outer human ego came to expression.
Thus by way of the nerve sense system in humanity, ego consciousness was gradually
coupled to the outer activity in the physical world. The higher Self or I AM is held and
protected within the higher realms of Hierarchical reality, in a protected spiritual
environment away from the activity of the shadow-self which functions in the outer
world. The I AM has to gain mastery over the shadow-self by exerting a huge effort of
will from the I AM which has to be drawn into and gradually strengthen and enhance the
I AM foundation within the carnal personality. The development of this individuated Self
is directly connected to the Christ mystery which awakens gradually in mankind’s heart
until it can master the counter thrust of the shadow self and can be re-introduced into
the personality as its regent. Although much delay has been instituted by the Ahrimanic
beings and the shadow self, each I AM in time can and must ascend again into the light
of his or her I AM God presence. The opposition of the shadow self would then, at the
end of the cosmic day, have provided mankind with an opportunity for gaining huge
attainment, Self-determination and Self-control of focused will.
What are the modern implications of this shadow self?
The 21 st century presents rapid development in the field of technology promoting a fast
growing computer industry which considerably speeds up world-wide communication
and intercontinental travel. On the one hand modern technology presents humanity with
an opportunity to use less energy on subsistence providing the possibility to expend
more energy on inner development. If more energy is given over to the base needs pf
shadow self instead of being used for inner development as the divine order of wisdom
in the world has decreed, then a different scenario emerges. The further consequence
of the enhanced global technology scenario is that decisions and their consequences
happen very much quicker than in previous eras. They compound, for better or worse
ever more rapidly upon one another. The ever-increasing and stressful net result is
foisted upon humanity and as a matter of urgency has produced a huge need to achieve
an advanced ability to process and cope with various forms of neuroses. The real Self
provides the ego strength, resilience and resource entering from the I AM which, when
taken on board, grants the ability to manage the thinking, feeling and willing of the
personality competently under modern stressful scenarios. Modern scenarios are further
exacerbated by the speeding up of time, the appearance of accelerated karma, and also
rapid re-embodiments. The wise guidance of the spirit worlds has made possible vast
increments of light brought forward by the Cosmic Christ and the Masters of Wisdom
who guide the evolution of mankind and are now ushering in a new era of light.
On the other hand this scenario brings in its wake accelerated encounters with the
threshold and the shadow self. Ill-equipped encounters with this being cause a complex
modern spectrum of anxiety and dysfunction with their related neurotic and sclerotic
diseases. Conjoined with the above Reincarnation and Karma factor and the
technological scenarios, humanity’s attention has become fixated on the excitement of
the technologically enhanced material world. These factors all contribute to the hectic
lifestyle of our time. It affects the home life of the modern family directly. An
environment has been created whereby the shadow-self is brought to the fore far too
early in childhood. Children are exposed to a one-sided expression and indulgence in
the outer world of senses by example of their adults, who form their role models as
portrayed on the TV networks throughout the world. A pleasure-seeking atmosphere
through the senses is engendered and invades the inwardly passive onlooker’s attitude
to life. This leads to all kinds of childhood problems. The children get enraptured too
early in life with self-seeking and desiring of entertainment pleasures at the cost of the
inner education of the soul life of the child. The animal desire realm approaches the will,
feeling and thoughts too soon in childhood, placing the awakening of I AM in a
disadvantaged position with regard to the shadow self. This leads to a ‘dimming’ of real
Self or I AM consciousness in the developmental years and later on in life to an
enhanced activity of the pseudo behaviour of the shadow-self. Such vulnerability causes
great distortions in behaviour patterns throughout life and can ultimately lead to diverse
psychiatric disorders.
The hereditary factors that are connected to the blood lines that run far back into
ancient history have in recent years changed with far reaching implications. These
bloodlines and hereditary factors were once protected by higher hierarchical beings so
that ancestral guidance and hereditary factors were supported within the framework of
the higher worlds by spirit beings within the light of God. Their spirit reality governed the
hereditary faculties, capacities and talents which were guided to form part of the divine
plan. Karmic laws determined the bloodline re-embodiment dynamic. However a kind of
‘Zero point’ was reached and the protection and guidance from the higher worlds were
usurped. Due to the manifold modern scenarios the shadow-self now has had access to
these blood lines since approximately 1850. The old protection is however replaced with
greatly enhanced down pouring of Higher Ego forces facilitated by the I AM through the
mission of Archangel MichaEl. These Christ-filled Ego forces make possible a Self-
consciousness that can digest, process and handle the rapid net impact of the shadow
self by gaining mastery over its invasion in the arena where it in truth is an impostor.
These increased Christ Self I AM ego forces strengthen the inner capacity for resilience,
granting the personality an emotional stamina to raise the soul life above the activities of
the shadow-self despite its increased onslaught in modern times. This newly acquired
inner strength grants the person opportunity to hold his quota of light that is received
through the I AM on awakening each morning and preserve this light in the chakras and
within the heart flame. This holding of the inner light can now facilitate a transition of
consciousness into an awakened life of thought, feeling and controlled action. New
clairvoyant opportunities can now gradually arise so that once again humanity can
experience the higher worlds as they did in ancient times, from a greatly and newly
achieved awakened I AM. The influx of abundantly inspired thoughts and an increased
investment in virtues in the feeling has brought humanity into a new epoch. The
clairvoyant revelations which once embraced humanity’s night revelations through
Jahve in the past, are now transformed into day revelations in the awakened daytime
consciousness, through the Christ Self. The mission of Archangel MichaEl is intricately
involved with this process and thus continues to evolve. In the past He prepared the
way by casting Lucifer down into the astral worlds where he began to influence reason
and then again He cast Ahriman down into the region where he has influenced
mankind’s will. Archangel MichaEl now paves the way open by becoming the emissary
for the etheric experience of the Christ Self that awakens through the heart in the
enlightenment of the Cosmic Christ in the Paul experience of the Etheric Christ. The
door to direct access to the Cosmic Intelligence is once again opened by him.
Does the activity of the shadow self make you tired?
The Inner light of the consciousness descends into the personality from the Higher Self.
It fills the Self-awareness and feeds the human consciousness during waking hours,
thereby giving the thinking feeling and willing a Self-motivated cohesion and a dynamic
inner resilience. The activity of the shadow-self and the fallen ones behave like a
parasite, they suck up the light of others as they do not have light of their own. They
have been cut asunder from the light of God by Archangel MichaEl, until they bow
before the almighty God. Due to the nature of this being all its light is turned back upon
itself to feed its egotism. One sided indulgence in the senses provokes the opportunity
for the shadow-self to rape the inner light of the I AM held in the chakras and in the
heart. The result of the raping of the light is an inner exhaustion. When the inner quota
of light has been squandered inner fatigue sets in, usually accompanied with emotions
of depression, shame, despair and failure. The lack of inner light becomes displayed
through short-temperedness and irritability. The fast changing reality of life then
becomes too difficult to cope with.
So it can be stated that the activity of the shadow-self working in and behind the sense
activities leads to passive intellectualism and materialism. It leads the application of
intelligence to an external reality only and forms an egotistic subjective perspective
which gives rise to critical intellectualism and causes the modern diseased scenario of
tiredness. All this is connected with the activity of the shadow self and with the rapid
development of intellectuality since the 15 th century.
After the discovery of America, awareness of the shadow-self was reintroduced into
modern consciousness, after it had a sojourn in subconscious realms for a time. The
discovery of America has precipitated once again a conscious encounter with the
threshold and thus an awakening of the spiritual I AM. The Christ Self has historically
been steadily awakening subconsciously from within humanity’s Selfhood and
strengthened the ego forces from within I AM in preparation for this encounter with the
threshold. This awaking of the Christ Self from within the etheric plain has gradually
brought about new soul capacities, new clairvoyant faculties. These have been
awakening in humanity and since 1930 many souls have gained additional capacities. A
new era in human history has dawned. These new clairvoyant capacities function from
within the light of the Christ Self and the I AM. The shadow-self seeks to circumvent
these new faculties into the fallen domain, into the realm of astral psychicism and
thereby gains psychic egotistic dependence. Thus psychism is not permeated by the
light of the I AM. It forms part of the shadow-self’s activity within the human personality
and becomes more and more associated with the growing psychotic psychiatric
disorders of our time. When the Real Self has sufficiently extricated itself from this
shadow-self and gained the strength to hold great increments of light reserve, these
new clairvoyant faculties will be enhanced to greater heights of attainment. From within
the newly achieved clairvoyant faculty the shadow-self will, in time, become visible as
an external entity not part of the inner spiritual constitution. However the experience of
the psychic will not reveal the shadow-self’s presence. It is very important to note that
the psychic realm of experience is part of the shadow-self’s composition. The dabbling
in Psychic phenomena exposes the soul-life to the shadow-self and to extremely
detrimental influences from the fallen ones. Psychedelic drugs and hallucinogenic
substances have opened the door to these harmful influences and lead to derangement
of the thinking, feeling and willing of individual consciousness when participating in such
psychic phenomena. Conscious I AM Initiation is free of psychism and will lead the
individual across the threshold to a point when one will become fully aware of the
shadow self as an independent being, standing there on the other side of the threshold
of consciousness no longer as master.
The increasing strength of the shadow-self in our time is due to the desperation of the
fallen ones who know their time is short. Their reaction is a marked increase in
reactionary behaviour. The fallen ones launch a counter thrust, in opposition to the
enhancement of these new clairvoyant imaginative faculties now dawning within
humanity by promoting psychic activities. They thereby endeavour to subvert the new
clairvoyant faculties into the realm of the shadow-self by means of psychic dabbling and
or the use of substances. Some of these fallen ones have released a renewed interest
in psychic substances and promote unclear thinking in this regard leading humanity to
think that marijuana and nicotine are acceptable with the modern parameters of so-
called freedom. Such practices cause mental illness which form part of the psychic,
psychotic disorder spectrum.
Does the shadow self have an electromagnetic connection?
The large external electromagnetic force field found in the surrounding atmosphere of
our earth influences mankind’s personal electromagnet entity which forms within and
around each embodied life-stream. This polarity, the earth’s electromagnetic sphere and
the electromagnetic field of each person is not independent of each other but are
mutually affected by each other. The earth field however being considerably larger
affects the human one robustly and thus any fluctuation within it will have a direct
influence on the spectrum of human reality. The electromagnetic grid that hangs over
our cities, formed by the modern abundant use of electricity, it being very strong has a
further influence on mankind electromagnetic entity. These various fields play into the
activities of shadow self. Why is this so?
The shadow self due to its earth bound nature creates of itself an electronic girdle
whose force field merges together with the force field of the physical body. It exists
predominantly in the lower part of the human constitution i.e. in the metabolic limb area.
Furthermore the electromagnetic force fields in the earth and in the human constitution
are part of an electronic blueprint that exists as part of the spiritual make-up of humanity
in the spiritual world, which has been lowered into the physical region by the creative
activities of higher beings. The fact that the physicality of humanity is grosser that the
original electronic blueprint initially decreed is due, as has been said, to the influence of
the fallen ones and the shadow-self which revel in a lowered vibratory electromagnet
The magnetic fluctuations and flip flop switching of the Quadro-poles of the sun and its
related sun spot activities have a huge influence on the electromagnetic field of the
earth. These activities are the work of higher hierarchical spiritual beings which concord
with the nature of the Elohim and the form builders of the earth. They are responsible
for the spiritualising of matter which concurs with the new era of Human history and
Earth evolution that has now been entered into. The matter planes must ascend back
into the higher worlds. The increase in spiritual activity and solar radiation is part of the
earth’s ascension process that has begun so that humanity and the earth can
accelerate towards the ascension into the light. These activities directly affect the fallen
beings; the message is getting through to them that time is running out within the matter
plane of existence. They make a renewed effort to resist bending the knee before the
almighty Solar Logos. Their activities are blocked on the surface of the sun in the sun
spot activities and are radiated back to the earth; this affects the earth magnetic field
which is sensitive to the solar storms and sunspot activity that arise with the
confrontation of light and fallen beings. The electric field grids over the cities as well as
passive indulgence in TV, computers and cell phone addictive behaviour patterns all
cohabitate with the shadow-self and merge their negative energies within these force
fields. They create an opposition and therefore can cause a dimming of the Real Self’s
ego realisation if the I AM is not sufficiently born in the persona to prevent the shadow-
self from invading the consciousness which no longer is vigilant or is indulgently set on
the pleasure-seeking cult.
All addictions are connected to the insatiable desire nature of the shadow-self which
works in and through the electronic girdle, driving the human soul down into an
enhanced grip of animal magnetism, thus suppressing the inner need for a higher
awakening, and encouraging a greater participation in external expectations for material
fulfillment, enslaving the person in the egotistic animal magnetism that pervades the
entire pleasure cult.
Fear as a threshold experience.
The fear arises when the shadow-self encroaches upon the threshold of consciousness
and there intimidates the presence of the real Self, severing the connection with the
Higher Self. Fear is thus the inner experience of the soul telling you loud and clear that
the shadow-self is invading the consciousness and is threatening to unseat the I AM. In
other words when one becomes conscious of anxiety and fear ‘loss of self’
accompanies the experience.
The experience of fear is an indication that insufficient I AM control is being exerted to
meet the resultant backlash of fear from the particular scenario. This arises from
illegitimate use of feelings and thoughts bound to reactions of old behaviour patterns,
sometimes thousands of embodiments old . Furthermore the insufficient presence of
Self plays itself out between two opposite extremes. When excessive over-stating of the
self is experienced in the feelings falsely inflating the ego, collaboration with the fallen
Luciferic powers have seduced an experience of vanity and self-indulgence. This leads
to a consequential pendulum swing toward its polar opposite, a deflation of Self which is
experienced as fear under the reactive influence of the Ahrimanic beings. Courage is
needed to draw on a greater ego strength or ‘I AM presence’ from the higher self, to
resist the Luciferic fallen ones on the one hand and to overcome the Ahrimanic
onslaught in fear on the other. By drawing on faith and then on courage one draws on
virtues from the well spring of Self, from the fountainhead of I AM. Courage cannot be
exercised sufficiently if there is not present the feeling of faith. Faith is the foundation
upon which courage acts. Faith is a virtue that establishes itself in the soul when the
ego strength is secure in the I AM.
When the soul experiences lengthy spells in which the sense of Self and I AM is
consistently diminished, episodes of incoherence of the soul faculties will result. The
resultant vacillation of the soul between the extreme indulgence of egotism and its
backlash of fear begins to take its toll. The thinking, feeling and willing disassociate from
each other and plunges the soul life into disorganised consciousness where in
confusion reigns. Confusion is driven by fear.
The language of psychosis is often the speech of the no other than the shadow self.
Under certain conditions the brain is no longer illuminated by the I AM reality within the
etheric brain and the brain then becomes solely the vehicle for the electrical impulses
emanating from the shadow-self. The brain under these conditions exclusively becomes
the vehicle of the shadow-self. If this condition is prolonged a drastic severance with the
higher self can occur and the I AM can even withdraw completely.
The Mirror
Under certain clairvoyant circumstances the shadow-self can become visible when
gazing at the reflection of yourself in a widow or mirror. This can cause unnecessary
fear. For this reason it is not advisable to bring small children into contact with a mirror,
especially in the toddler age. Children still retain clairvoyant possibilities in early
childhood while adults have lost them or only under certain circumstances experience
them in aberration. Through the mirror an early awareness of the shadow-self is
stimulated by drawing the consciousness out into the nerve sense world disturbing the
innocents of childhood.
How to observe the activity of the shadow self
Although the shadow-self only joins the incarnation process of mankind during the last
stages of the embryonic development it is really only fully set free in the consciousness
as a pseudo identity later. Birth is a gradual process first the physical body is born then,
at age of seven or around the change of teeth, the Etheric body is set free from the
mother organism, and then at puberty the child’s Astral body is also gradually liberated.
It is at puberty that the child’s shadow-self is finally loosed as a fully operative pseudo
identity in the newly born-pubescent consciousness of the teenager. For this reason it is
at puberty and in adolescence that feelings surge forward that do not correspond with
outer reality. An avalanche of emotions and reactions are released and the adolescent
has to find his or her way a through surge of desires that can be quite wildering
especially if sufficient preparation of Self-consolidation has not occurred before the
advent of this event.
As has already been stated the shadow-self is the sum total of all old habitual reactions
from all your previous embodiments on earth and these do not vary much from one
embodiment to the next. When one reviews one’s early life it can clearly be seen that a
distinct pattern occurs, the outer events and inner emotional reactions, promptings and
impulses are such that they do not concord. The inner and outer realities are at
variance. This is so because the shadow-self has great strength at first and brings
promptings from previous earth lives forward which are not necessarily concordant with
what’s happening in this life; old reactions predominate over new surroundings. These
get weaker with age, with experience and the gradual application of self-discipline in the
feeling life. One comes into step with this embodiment. Thus one can notice that desires
and expectations are driven by these old reactions which are the product of the shadow-
self. Expectations determined by events and situations in the outer world become the
external mirror of the inner ego struggle that out plays itself within the personality. They
create a see-saw within the persona between expectations on the one hand and
behaviour patterns on the other, between obsessions and compulsions. Any
experimentation within the personality with an over investment of time and energy in
misguided desires, fosters great expectation for the desire to be fulfilled and thus lead to
obsessive and addictive euphoric needs.
The disappointment of an unfulfilled expectation on the other hand leads one to the
counter balancing swing of those expended energies by allowing the emotions to
plummet down into the lows of depression. Compulsive behaviour reactions accompany
these swings and will manifest in appropriate behaviour patterns. The loss of light
expended in euphoria now becomes depression and aggression. These vacillations are
driven by the desires of the shadow-self.
The net result is that the more the expectation for fulfillment of desires in the outer world
cause obsession and fixated ideas, the more compulsive their corresponding behaviour
patterns become.
A choice is placed before the ego every time the content of a desire, irritation or an
emotional impulse is pushed up by the shadow-self, from the sub-conscious realm of
the soul, usually occurring as a reaction to something, someone or some situation. This
choice brings about a moment of conflict as follows. The real Ego or I AM engages in a
momentary battle with the shadow-self in which the will is either engaged or not
engaged. The will of the shadow-self confronts the will of I AM and with sufficient
determination the I AM will hold its own. But if the impulses of the shadow-self are not
recognised as such, then they are in a dimmed state of awareness either ignored or
accepted as part of the personality of the shadow. The I AM will is disengaged and the
shadow-self allowed passage and dominance in reactive behaviour. At this moment it is
not realised that your command has been usurped, loss of self has occurred. They are
then projected outward onto the external event in an inappropriate manner. Such
conduct plays itself out by generating a further reaction from the recipient who self-
righteously wishes to defendant him or herself. The recipient is now challenged with the
same momentary confrontation; will the recipient respond or react? If it reacts the
shadow-self of both parties lock into a reactive cycle, having karmic consequences that
are determined by Cosmic Law, and independent of either personality. These Cosmic
moral laws find resolution in our karma. Each time the shadow impulse is given passage
the reaction is fostered deeper into the persona and the record and memory becomes
stronger gaining in power to assert itself against the I AM. The reactionary cycle set up
between the personalities involved carry the cause, effect, record and memory forward
into future embodiments until they are redeemed.
Herein lies the difference between reaction and response. The more the individual
asserts his I AM will, the more the individual responds to the inappropriate behaviour
and hold its own, the more the I AM takes control and the redemption of the record is
This is also the basis for understanding addictive behaviour. The addict is addicted to
the deeply entrenched reactionary demand driven by the shadow-self for the substance
induced emotion. The appeasement of the compulsive demand that he or she set up in
the record and memory since the original choice was allowed passage, has gained
compulsive command and freedom of passage. The compulsion now being so strong
and the I AM will being so weakened the appeasement can no longer be withstood. The
need for this appeasing becomes greater and greater and gains momentum. The only
way out is to make an effort to oppose and reverse the momentum built up on the
original choice. This can only be done out of the I AM, when the I AM begins to counter
the compulsive will of the shadow-self.
Diet plays its role in this matter; it is the basis upon which the reactionary impulses
feed. Foods grown by artificial means do not have sufficient etheric forces to give the I
AM secure control over the four lower bodies of the individuality. Additives in food
further enhance the problem, allowing the shadow-self access and hold. The blood
sugar levels are a further disturbance which is added to insufficient nutritive food. The
intake of large amounts of processed sugar makes I AM functioning in the blood weak,
the rapid increase and rapid decrease of blood sugar gives the shadow-self the edge on
control. The lowered resistance from food and sugar level vacillations causes extreme
tiredness, irritation and frustration. The anguish of a disturbed emotional life is
aggravated by this tiredness.
Drugs, substances, cigarettes, alcohol and sugar abuse is nothing but a primal
onslaught on the I AM within the will of the personality, allowing dominance and
entrenchment of the shadow-self and will lead to despondency and despair.
Where ever the element of self-righteousness creeps in to the standpoint of a
personality special introspection is required. It insinuates itself in such a way that the
individual does not notice how the standpoint taken is no longer determined by
objectivity but has succumbed entirely to subjectivity and is no longer appropriate. It
comes about when a person takes experiences in life too personally; the subjectivity is
brought about by too much self-referencing and can range from the most subtle self-
rectitude to extreme narcissism. Here we see the interception of the shadow-self from
the most subtle to its most confronting assertion within the spectrum of self-
Such inappropriate behaviour stems from the egotistic nature of the shadow-self
demanding to exhibit a high profile of self-centeredness in a wide gamut experience in
the world. In association with these variations of experience small or large tantrums
come to the fore whenever events do not concur with their selfish motive. Here the
matter of choice is once again positioned centrally before the I AM and objective action
is called forth or if the moment has not taken hold, the shadow-self will usurp the
moment with extreme subjectivity. Taking things personally allows the shadow-self
passage for inappropriate subjectivity and always hijacks the command of the real Self
by indulging in the egotism of the pseudo ego.
In these cases you will always witness what modern psychiatry calls ‘transference’,
issues with subjective colouring will be transferred or projected on to some external
situation or person. The personality will display an inability to take responsibility for the
objective reality. In this sense the issues cannot be processed objectively by the real
Self and are then taken over by the shadow-self and transferred outward onto the
situation at hand. This is the bases of all blame.
Often deep seated elements of jealousy are at the root of these experiences.
Subconsciously the transferor is jealous of another’s attainment with regard to there I
AM control and or their I AM status in life. The person who is in the grip of such a state
will display a total inability to accept their status in life and therefore will not accept their
karmic allotment either. Blame is the outer manifestation of this phenomenon and is
driven by deep anger and resentment of the shadow-self who wants more than what life
dictates. Without conscious opposition from the I AM this anger and discontent will be
driven to extremes, complete coercion by the shadow-self, in time leads to ruthless
crimes like theft, murder, rape etc.
To become a master of life is the path of return to the light from whence I AM came. To
walk this path consciously is to enter the path of the bodhisattva. The bodhisattva
prepares to become a vehicle for ever greater I AM potential and ever greater service to
life and his or her fellows, guided by the ever present life of spirit, and by the Masters of
Wisdom. Sadly it is true to say the converse is also true, if the shadow-self gains
enough ground within the personality, a person can be possessed by a greater
Ahrimanic being than the shadow-self and can thus become an instrument for
grotesque deeds.
The Crowning with Thorns
What in this dissertation is spoken of as the overcoming and mastery of the shadow-
self or double is every human beings life task. This task continues life time after life time
until the I AM can once again reinstate complete control and Mastery over the shadow
self. The I AM or real Self has the freedom of choice in which the individual can make
the selective, discriminating decision which consciously directs his Intelligence, through
thought and feeling, to act in conformity with the flow of light governed by Cosmic Law.
The pathology of the human soul lies in the lack of Self Mastery. Human pathology
arises whenever circumstance in life precipitates a crisis which allows the lack of life
mastery to come visibly to the fore. At such times the real Self, to some extent has been
defeated by the shadow-self. The degree to which the Self has been displaced by the
shadow-self is portrayed in various measures depending on the pathology. However
each crisis is also an opportunity for the I AM to gain Self Mastery.
In the following quotation the moment of Self Mastery over the shadow-self before the
Guardian of the Threshold has been termed ‘The Crowning with Thorns’ along the path
of initiation as a disciple of life’s I AM Self Mastery.
‘At this stage man must learn to brave the world morally and intellectually, to desist from
anger when all that is most dear to him is being attacked. The capacity to remain aloof
when everything is tumbling about our ears, to say “Yea” when the rest of the world
says “Nay” — that is what must be acquired before the next step can be taken. This
gives rise to a new symptom, namely a dissociation, or rather the power of a momentary
dissociation of three faculties which, in man, are united: the faculties of willing, feeling
and thinking. We must learn to separate and to re-unite them at will. So long, for
example, as some outer event carries us away with uncontrolled enthusiasm, we are
immature, for such enthusiasm comes from the event, not from ourselves, and we may
even exercise a shattering influence of which we are not master.
The enthusiasm of the disciple must have its well-spring in the depths of his inner life.
He must therefore be able to remain impassive in the face of any event, no matter how
catastrophic. That is the only way to reach freedom. The dissociation of feeling, thinking
and willing produces in the brain a change that is symbolised by the Crown of Thorns. If
this test is to be passed without danger, the powers inherent in the personality must be
sufficiently intense and in perfect equilibrium. If the disciple has not reached this stage,
or if he receives wrong guidance, the change in the brain may lead to insanity. Insanity
is nothing but an involuntary separation of these faculties without the possibility of their
re-union by dint of the inner will. The disciple brings about the separation by an act of
conscious volition. A flash of his will re-establishes the link between the organs and theactivities of soul. In the lunatic, the cleft may be incurable and produce a physical lesion
in the nerve-centers.
In the course of the stage in the Christian initiation known as the Crowning with Thorns,
there arises the phenomenon known as the Guardian of the Threshold — the
appearance of the lower double of man. The spiritual being of man, composed of his
impulses of will, his desires and his thoughts, appears to the Initiate in visible form. It is
a form that is sometimes repugnant and terrible, for it is the offspring of his good and
bad desires and of his karma — it is their personification in the astral world, the Evil Plot
of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. This form must be conquered by man before he can
find the higher Self. The Guardian of the Thresholds which has been a phenomenon of
astral vision from times immemorial is the origin of all the myths concerning the
struggles of Heroes with monsters, of Perseus and Hercules with the Hydra, of St.
George and Siegfried with the dragon.
The premature appearance of the astral world and the sudden apparition of the Double
or Guardian of the Threshold may lead a man who is not fully prepared or who has not
taken all the precautions necessary for the disciple, to madness and insanity.’ - Esoteric
Cosmology, lecture VIII - Rudolf Steiner
Dislike! Criticism! Blame! Condemnation! Deceit! These are some of the stumbling
blocks for I AM progress! The laggard forces of darkness gather lust, rebellion and
discord on the astral plane and they pry upon the weaknesses of each personality
through the shadow-self.
The Light from spiritual realms of the great Cosmos plays upon the virtues of I AM held
fast within the soul life of each person who attains and maintains them by exerting I AM
determined will.
Karmic laws govern the balance of light and darkness on planet earth. They function
within the great Cosmic Law, regulating the accumulated imperfection within the cycles
of reincarnation. The karmic councils determine the re-embodiment and karma of each
life stream according the capacity to hold light and according to their accumulated
imperfections so that the axis of the Earth is able to hold the weight of accumulated
misqualified astral substance. For this reason approximately one-third of the estimated
ten billion souls belonging to the Earth's evolution are allowed on the planet at any
particular time.
Release from the cycle of reincarnation through the gradual transmutation of the
shadow-self through I AM determined will, embodiment after embodiment, finally leads
to the mystery of the Ascension in the Light. This is life’s purpose and goal and forms
part of the Divine Order of Wisdom within the Great Cosmic Law. The fact that almost
two thirds of the earth human souls are in embodiment in recent times testifies to the
fact that huge increments of light are pouring in from the realms of light which can be
held by mankind’s I AM determined will, if she or he so chooses, and that many human
souls have since the new dispensation of light attained the Ascension in the Light and
hold a great counter-balance on earth for humanity. Hail to the Brotherhood of
Ascended Masters of Wisdom!